Month: May 2023
Story of the Week
This is a story about a little boy who was very creative with a stick – what can you turn a stick into?
Coronation Crowns
We have enjoyed a fun packed day today making crowns, doing a treasure hunt and even watching some royal planes fly over the school.

Sensory Club
We all enjoyed sensory club this week. Look at what we did.

Magic Wand Song 3
Magic Wands Song 3
Room on the Broom
We have been busy re-telling this wonderful story in our own ways. We have learnt some lovely describing words and talked about what the witch was like. We even cast a spell with our own magic cauldron.

Magic Wand Song 2
We are really enjoying these magic wand songs this week – what will you be?
Song of the Week
Story of the Week
We will listening an enjoying this story this week – how is the witch different to George the giant from The Smartest Giant in Town? We will be talking about their similarities and differences.