We have enjoyed finding out about the different types of snow people that you can make in this lovely story. We worked together to share the story and sequence the different things made out of snow.

We have enjoyed finding out about the different types of snow people that you can make in this lovely story. We worked together to share the story and sequence the different things made out of snow.
This week are looking at a lovely story all about the winter and snow.
This member of Copper Base has been really perfecting her drawing and painting skills this week. Look at this fantastic unicorn. Well done, you have persevered and you should be very proud of yourself.
We have really enjoyed listening to the story ‘Little Cloud’ this week – we have worked together to sequence the story and share the book with each other.
This weeks story is all about a little cloud floating through the sky.
Here are some of us with our Children in Need spots, pudsey faces and smiles.
This week we have been going on leaf hunts. We have re-told the story by acting it out and sequencing the pictures. then we changed the story to make it our own by writing about new places we could hunt for leaves.