Month: May 2024
Story of the Week
This week we will be reading this story about a boy and a penguin. Look out for our newspaper articles about the North Pole.
Song of the Week
Story of the Week
This week we are reading this lovely story about a true friendship in the ocean.
Some of our year 4 friends in Copper Base will also be enjoying their Leeson House residential trip. We look forward to hearing all about it.
One is Snail, Ten is a crab
We have enjoyed looking at this book this week. We have had fun working out different combinations of feet for all the creatures. Some of us added up how many feet tens crabs would have. Some great maths! We have also written our own stories where we have chosen our own creatures. We will be finishing them next week and we will publish on the blog. Keep a look out.

Fun with new equipment
We have been experimenting with some new outdoor equipment. This wheel is great fun!

Money, Money, Money
Some of us have been working hard in maths with money this week. We have been problem solving, counting money and exchanging money for change. Keep up the hard work Copper Base.

Song of the Week
Story of the Week
This weeks story is all about counting the many feet of many sea creatures and people. How many feet do you see in this story?