Message from Mrs Smith:

Good afternoon everybody!

Thank you for sharing all the wonderful learning that has been happening this week, both in classrooms and in your homes. It has been great to see that our love of learning still shines bright, wherever we may be.

I have also really enjoyed reading your reflections on this week’s assembly and talking to parents about it on the gate. So many people have acknowledged how important it is to talk about diversity and have recognised that within our own community, diversity is the absolute glue that holds us together and makes us even stronger as a whole. 

This week we have celebrated …

  • A chance to focus on the ‘unique’ and ‘special’ positives within us at a time when some of us are feeling a little uncertain about what is going on around us and how we feel about ourselves
  • Children who have two beautiful different coloured eyes … that match their cat’s different coloured eyes!
  • Children who recognise their own distinctive creativity, humour and kindness
  • Freckles! – A sign of true beauty
  • Our hands as a reminder about diversity – one child explained that all our fingers belong to one hand but aren’t the same. Divided they can’t perform any task completely but together everything can be done 
  • Children who are able to read and speak Slovakian
  • Recognition of the diversity that existed amongst dinosaurs
  • One child’s ability to always make others laugh, including the time that he dressed up as a chicken and danced outside his granny’s window during lockdown to cheer her (and other passersby) up
  • Children who are experts on the monkey bars who can dangle for longer than any other member of the family
  • And people who have actively supported other people’s rights. Dorothea and Orson reminded me that at the start of Mary Poppins, Mrs Banks comes back from a march with a Votes for Women banner, singing “Well done, Sister Suffragettes” and Rosie told me about one of her favourite quotes reminding us of the need to always show kindness to others  …

Thank you once again for all of your lovely images and emails. I hope that you can now sit back and enjoy a celebration of everything that makes us unique and special, as well as the learning that we are all particularly proud of this week.

Another piece of work that I am particularly proud of this week is Miss Barnes’ final Damers recipe book – the Damers Sweet Treats! Thank you to everyone who has contributed to these recipe collections and a huge thank you to Miss Barnes for creating such a beautiful legacy of this time within our community.

Our story today is ‘The Lion Inside’. I wonder if you can work out why I chose this story today and how it fits with our theme this week?

Look after that mouse and that lion inside you and make sure that you use them as best you can, especially if you think anyone is being treated unfairly.

I hope that you have all enjoyed this week as much as I have, seeing our new arrivals in school and also seeing all of the amazing learning that is still happening in homes has filled my heart with joy I have to say. Keep up the good work Team Damers as we all gradually steer our way back to our Damers home.

Enjoy your weekend.

With warm wishes 

Mrs Smith 

Mini-Beast Stories

Good morning everyone!

We hope you have enjoyed your worm and caterpillar activities this week. Why don’t you have a look back and see what you have done?

Here are some stories and ideas you will like too

Why not try some of these beautiful butterfly ideas?


Don’t forget your reading and perhaps play this game to practise your words

Have fun!

Phonics and word bingo

Choose some of the key words that you have been working on or test your sound knowledge. Make a set of bingo cards and call out the sounds to your family. The first person to fill their card is the winner. You can download phonics bingo cards from the link below if you have a printer and this site let’s you customise the cards to use phonic sounds or words you like. Alternatively you can create your own using pen and paper.

If you are not sure what set of sounds your child is working at please contact the school office via e-mail or by phone and we will get back to you.