Month: February 2023
Story of the Week
This week are enjoying a story about a very mixed up chameleon.
Soft Ball Fun
We had a great time learning how to control a large cricket ball. We had to listen carefully and follow the instructions. It was great fun.

Slowly, said the Sloth
We have been listening really carefully to our story this week. Today we were vocabulary detectives and sequenced the story. We enjoyed reading the speech bubbles and matching them to the characters. You can talk about this story at home.

Enjoying stories
We have been enjoying our stories so much in the Copper Base that we are choosing to sit together in the book corner to share the stories we have been reading in our literacy lessons.

Song of the Week
Enjoy listening to this fun song about walking through a jungle.
Story of the Week
Here is the first story of this half term. It is all about a slow sloth who loves to hang from the tree in the jungle.
Well Done Copper Base
What a great half term we have had reading and learning about dinosaurs. You have all worked so hard on your writing and as a result have produced some wonderful fact pages on your chrome books. We have all thoroughly enjoyed learning about the different dinosaurs through the lovely stories we have read – which I know you have all enjoyed with so much enthusiasm and joy.
Have a lovely half term. We look forward to seeing you after half term where our theme will be stories and books all about the jungle!! I wonder what that story could be? Find out on Monday 20th February.

Dinosaur Facts
We have been working so hard this half term on dinosaurs. we have learnt many different facts and found out about lots of different dinosaurs. We have chosen our favourites and made a presentation using google slides. Here are our finished facts pages. Enjoy!!
Dinosaur Flap by Oscar
Dinosaur Chew by Grace
Dinosaur Munch and Dinosaur Flap by George
Dinosaur Munch by Jack
Dinosaur Whizz by Lorelei
Dinosaur Whizz by Finley
World Book Day 2023
Please click on the link below to find out about our World Book day plans.